BRICS is an acronym for a coalition of five prominent emerging economies:Brazil, Russia, India, Iran , China, and South Africa. These nations play a crucial role in shaping global and regional dynamics and collaborate on a wide range of political, economic, and cultural initiatives. As a growing influence in international affairs, BRICS serves as a platform for addressing key issues in technology, development, and sustainability.
Dr. Ata Jahangir Moshayedi, an expert in sensor technology and robotics, had the honor of delivering two significant talks at BRICS-related events:
1.BRICS+ Auditorium of Skills Development and Technology Innovation – 1st Working Meeting for the Competition, Skills, and Curriculum Standard Drafting Working Group of the BRICS Group Standard for "Internet of Things"(September 30, 2024): Dr. Moshayedi contributed to the drafting of the BRICS IoT standard, discussing the role of innovation and skills development in shaping the future of technology within BRICS countries.

2.BRICS+ Countries' Technology Innovation and International Exchange Achievements Cooperation Session & Formulation of Technology and Skill Standards and Achievements Release Session(November 20-21, 2024): Dr. Moshayedi shared his expertise on the latest technological advancements and the significance of international collaboration in developing unified technology and skill standards.